6 Officers, 4 Members in attendance. One guest- Mark Rasmussen (Diocesan Coordinator) Motion to approve last month’s minutes by Paul, Second by John. Approved. GK Report: Thanks to all the members that helped at Cranberry Fest.
District Deputy Report: Invite men to events, Forms, Safe Environment Training needed to be done, Insurance and Fraternal Benefit Nights. Treasurer’s Report: Checking. $ Scholarship. $ Seminarian. $ Charity. $ Dues. $ Trailer. $ Tootsie Roll. $ CD. $ Bills and Receipts: Moved to pay bills by Jeff. Second by Dan. Approved. Membership Report: We are looking at having new members join next month before the monthly meeting. We all need to ask men to join. Food Pantry Coordinator Report: Parish and Kwik Trip donations are increasing. ‘Family of the Month' is the Denny Snarski family, since the form for last month hasn’t been submitted yet. Unfinished Business: 1. Cranberry Fest. 2. SFDS teacher recognition plans - nothing new. New Business: 1. Fr. Mullens will be here Nov. 3. Luncheon planned. Dan moved for $300 for luncheon expenses. Second by Jeff. Approved. 2. Christmas Trees - go with 40 again this year. 3. Christmas Poster Contest - Bill and Barry are working on this. 4. Snack Shack maintenance needed. Next Spring. But we are looking for a frig for now. 5. Washburn Christian Outreach looking for phone volunteers. 6. Prolife march pancake breakfast in Jan. needs helpers. 7. The coats for Coats for Kids are here. Distribution planned. 8. Men’s Retreat is Jan. 11-12, 2025. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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