Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council 5397 Meeting Minutes, Monday August 12, 2024 8 Officers, 3 Members, 2 Guests in attendance. Installation of Council Officer for 2024-25 by John the DD of District 89. Motion to approve last month’s minutes by Frank, Second by Jeff. Approved. GK Report: None
District Deputy Report: Videos at Church events are a good recruitment tool. Treasurer’s Report: Checking. $ Scholarship. $ Seminarian. $ Charity. $ Dues. $ Trailer. $ Tootsie Roll. $ CD. $ Bills and Receipts: Moved to pay bills by Adam. Second by Frank. Approved. Food Pantry Coordinator Report: Donations from Church are down, but still many from Economart and Kwik Trip. Unfinished Business: 1. Recap of the Hamburger Feed to raise funds for Faith Formation. About $313 was raised for Faith Formation and Extreme Faith Camp. 2. We had a good turn out for the Cluster Picnic yesterday. Thanks to the KC members that helped. New Business: 1. Jeff presented on Fr. Mullens desire to speak to our Cluster Parishes about the Adoption Initiative. Jeff will work on organizing this. 2. Town and Country Days are coming up in Shell Lake. Allen is chairing it again. Looking for Snack Shack help. 3. ADRC looking for contributions for purchasing AED and Life Saving Devices. No motion. 4. Remember Cranberry Fest coming in Oct. Need a chairman. 5. Our next Social Sunday for KCs to host is Sept. 21. 6. Tom moved that we purchase 4 cases of coats for Coats for Kids. Cost is 551.62. Second by Jeff. Passed. Correspondence: Thank You letter from Prolife Wisconsin. Upcoming event: The next meeting is Sept. 9, 2024. Motion to adjourn by Paul. Second by Frank. Passed. Quarters won by Jeff Pot O Gold by Bill Andrea, who was absent. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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