Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council 5397 Meeting Minutes, Monday December 11, 2023 Attendance: 5 officers, 1 member Motion to approve last month’s minutes by Frank. Second by John. Passed. GK Report: He attended the Diocesan meeting on Dec. 9.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking. $ Scholarship. $ Seminarian. $ Charity. $ Dues. $ Trailer. $ Tootsie Roll $ CD. $ Bills and Receipts: Moved to pay bills by Allen, second by John. Approved. Food Pantry Report: Things are going pretty good right now. Unfinished Business: 1. We will participate in the Silver Rose Devotion again. New Business: 1. Christmas Tree sales are at $880. 9 trees left. 2. There was a house fire in Cumberland, but the Cumberland council is donating for that. 3. We will try to get the Christmas Poster Contest still completed this year. 4. We will look into having Pizza Social after a 6 pm mass in Jan. or Feb. 5. We will check if Dan will do the Superbowl for Seminarians board again. 6. State convention materials are here. 7. We will look into having a council PR person. 8. Andrew Naurtz has requested membership. We will coordinate an exemplification when he is in Spooner. Upcoming event: The next meeting is Jan. 8, 2024. Motion to adjourn by John, second by Frank. Passed. Quarters won by Frank. Pot o gold by George Dumontier, who was absent. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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