Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council 5397 Meeting Minutes, Monday June 10, 2024 6 Officers, 7 Members in attendance, Motion to approve last month’s minutes by Dan. Second by Frank. Passed. GK Report:
Treasurer’s Report: Checking. $ Scholarship. $ Seminarian. $ Charity. $ Dues. $ Trailer. $ CD. $ Bills and Receipts: Moved to pay bills by Dan. Second by John. Approved. Unfinished Business: 1. Moved by Dan to split Tootsie Roll money with 75% to Ventures, and 25% to Harmon House. Second by John. Passed. 2. Donation to local pregnancy help centers tabled to next month. New Business: 1. Elections. Passed by unanimous vote the slate of officers nominated. 2. Church Drive for membership scheduled for Oct. 3. Brat feed is June 23. Set up Sat. June 22, and serve the 23. Bill Collins is chair. 4. Serving at the Summer Picnic Aug. 11. More details next month. 5. The Silver Rose will be here July 18. Details coming. 6. Bill moved to donate $250 to Totus Tuus. Second by Brett. Passed. 7. Allen moved to donate $100 to Wi Prolife. Second by Paul. Passed. Correspondence: Thank You cards from seminarians. Upcoming event: The next meeting is July 8, 2024. Motion to adjourn by Dan. Second by Don. Passed. Quarters won by Tom. Pot O Gold by Jim Deutsch, who was absent. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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