Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council 5397 Meeting Minutes, Monday September 11, 2023 Attendance: 6 officers, 5 members Motion to approve last month’s minutes by Jeffl. Second by Dan. Passed.
GK Report: None Treasurer’s Report: Checking. Scholarship. Seminarian. Charity. Dues. Trailer. Tootsie Roll CD. Bills and Receipts: Moved to pay bills by Dan, second by Paul. Approved. Membership Report: Church Drive for Oct. Ask men to join. We will look to put announcement in the bulletin. Good of the Order: Allen reported on the new KC Cor Initiative of evangelization and faith formation. Is this something the council wants to start? Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Upcoming events: The next meeting is Oct. 9. Motion to adjourn by Frank, second by Dan. Passed. Quarters won by Larry. Pot o gold by Curt Skluzacek, who was absent. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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